OK so day 1 wasn't so bad, I spent a lot of time online window shopping and I even considered purchasing items, but I never hit the add to cart button, so go me!  I do have a lot of items still coming in from pre-challenge purchases, I am a huge eBay and Amazon shopper and a lot of the stuff I purchase is from China and takes like 2 months to arrive so those items are still trickling in. Weight loss challenge was OK, I did cheat,( I had some salt and vinegar chips and some trail mix)  but I also exercised, so I would say I did OK, not bad, not good, but OK.

 Why do you lose all will power as you get older??? Ugh so unfair. Do you ever get to a point in your life where you just know things have to change. That is where I am at now. I know the spending has to slow down and be more controlled, as well as the laziness and eating habits. I need to make a change and I am going to make a change. There isn't any doubts any more, I know it wont be easy, I know I'll have some hangups and I' ll have some falls, but the thought of " can I do it" is gone, I have to do it and I will do it.

Back to the spending, or NON Spending challenge, I was thinking about this and I kinda realized, that if I am going to be Living Off the Closet, and make all my own Christmas gifts, I need to get motivated and start making stuff. I have 9 close family members to exchange gifts with this year, and I want to do at least 3-4 gifts per person so I need to at least get a plan in place and a "shopping list" created.

That will be a project for this weekend.  :)

Tomorrow I am getting together with my friend Julie and she is going to teach me how to put acrylic nail stickers on my nails, I am a big manicure girl and always go to a salon to get them but now that I am not spending, I cant go to a salon, so I found these nail stickers things https://www.goscratch.it/
in one of my many closets and decided I would use them up, Julie is a pro at them and they look so professional and the designs are so cute, so we are getting together to fill my manicure addiction (for free!) and she is even going to feed me (Julie makes the best salads, EVER) I really think she should open a salad cafe'.. :)
 I will post pics of the my nails on Thursday, and of the salad too!

Adios my Living off the Closet friends, I have to get to my real job; you know the one who has given me the money to build up my closets to plentiful !

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