and the lesson is ...Read ALL the directions before proceeding

Last night I really spent some time going thru the upstairs bathroom closet in order to find something fun to use and to blog about, after debating over several items I came up with the Forstyler Original Hair Twister, I bought this about 6- 8 months ago and totally forgot I had it and so when I saw it I was super excited because I have been wanting to do something different with my hair. I thought it was a great way to review something, use something I already had and get a new cute style for my hair. I pulled the box out of the closet and read the directions.
Simple Instructions, It is 5 steps, what can go wrong? 
After what I considered very careful review, I jumped in the shower and washed my hair, I was ready to start twisting... I am a directions girl, so I had my box right in front of me, following step by step by step... I combed my hair and separated into 4 sections just like step 2 suggested.
Washed, Comber and Separated into Sections. 
Then I pulled out my blow drier and was going to attach the twister
The Famous and Fun Forstyler 

Yikes, this isn't going to fit 
..... and that is when I realized that this wasn't going to happen. Little did I know on the other side of the box there were some instructions that I needed....
Probably should have read these before beginning, and before purchasing.  Live and Learn  

My blow dryer is bigger than 2 " . There will be no twisting tonight or for awhile, I have 2 great blow dryers, I don't want to spend any money on a blow dryer that is less than 2 inches, just so i can have some twists. Ok Ok, I actually do want to buy a blow dryer, I want to buy anything and everything whether I need or not. My no shopping plan isn't going well at all. I have done horrible lately and I am not sure why. I had some stressful days last week and I maybe it was because of that or maybe it was the PMS I am experiencing, I don't know, but I do know I have a problem and it needs fixed and all I can do is keeping trying to get better, I wake up everyday and tell myself today is day 1 of no spending. I know one of these days I will get thru a full day, a full week, a full month with out spending unnecessarily. I hope it comes sooner than later, and Yes!!! I am trying hard, but just like an addiction to food, gambling or some other unhealthy thing, it is real and I am working on it. Now back to living off the closet.....

I noticed the stack of magazines I have piling up and delved into reading a few, it  was a simple, impossible to run into any snags, task and I actually got 3 magazines read. I found this article on eye make up and I decided I want to try some crazy eye liner ideas.  
I really love all of these ! 

Tomorrow is a new day and I'll find something else new to try in the closet, this time I will do my homework before getting all involved, speaking of getting involved and doing homework, I have decided to try the Leptin Diet. I have been struggling to lose weight and my hormones have been totally out of whack lately so the next 3 or 4 days I will continue to research in order to start the diet on Monday Oct 26th. I will keep you posted along the way. 

One last picture for your viewing pleasure... the love of my life, my sweetie pie, 17 yr old girly cat, Miss LunahB, she hasn't been feeling well the last week or so so I have been extra loving and attentive to her lately. 
Snuggling under her blanket!  

Happy Sweetest Day (Ohioians

I am from Ohio, born and raised and I have always celebrated sweetest day, well I should say I always celebrated if I had someone to call my sweetie. It is so weird when you met someone from a state that doesn't acknowledge the Hallmark Holiday and when you mention it or talk about it, they look at you like you are so odd, it is like they are from a different planet rather than a different state than you. I say, what is wrong with taking a day and making it a special day to celebrate a couples love!!!  I am quite sure I am in the minority though. 

Will and I don't see each other much. Usually just on Sunday, Monday evening and a few hours on Saturday before he heads to work, normally we don't do much on Sunday, we tackle projects around the house and relax and watch TV, occasionally visit his parents, but yesterday in observance of Sweetest Day and  the fact that we were needing  a date day, we went out and did stuff, you know like adults do.. ha ha.. we went and saw the movie "The Martian"with Matt Damon (I loved the movie!) then we went to dinner at the Olive Garden  (Food was Delicious!). It was a great Sunday!!!  I was sad that it came to an end. :(  

I didn't have a chance to blog much last week but I did want to show you a few things. Last time I did blog, I showed you a few items I was going to use from my basket of cosmetics I found when digging thru a closet and I wanted opinions on how you think they looked, if they were worth the time and effort. I have those pics for you today, so here they are....  

The Three Items I tried on were  E.L.F. Tinted Moisturizer,
This may be my latest beauty buy, at only $3.00 it is a steal and it contains sunscreen, Win Win! 
  Bellapierre Cosmetics P.I.N.K. Lipstick and Glitter Mascara by E.L.F.... Maybe I am just not a good critic, but I loved them all! I think they looked great and they all did a great job, I was not unhappy at all with my 3 random picks.
OK, so the Mascara was hard to see on my darker lashes but I loved it anyways!
I love this color and I thought for sure it would be way to dark for me 

What a great product! 
Maybe it would be more noticeable on blonde lashes??

Here are my result pictures, my before and after. I am not a model, or a photographer so my pictures are very amateur, to say the least. I do think its funny how clear and soft my skin looks in these pictures when the truth is, I suffer from pretty bad Roscea.
Before pic #1

Before pic #2 

Before pic #3 
After pic #1 (Lipstick, Moisturizer and Mascara)

After pic #2

After pic #3 (trying to show you my glitter mascara!) 

Tuesday Tuesday.. I just found this post in my Draft Folder, not sure why it didn't publish...

I didn't do as much last night as I wanted to but I did get into one closet and found a basket of cosmetics that I am going to tackle tonight. I have some pics of the basket and I am going to take a few items and mess around with them tonight.
All kinds of fun stuff.  :) 

I already see a few things I am excited to try!

I plan on experimenting with items I am not comfortable with. 

Ill get some feed back from you guys on what works and what doesn't.

I also worked on my bracelet last night. 

I have a few pics for you all to see, it is in the beginning stages so It will be cool to show you the progress I make on it. 

That is it for now, I know its not much, but trying to get healthy is taking a lot of time, good news is, I walked a lot yesterday and ate healthy for the most part so I am doing well and hopefully my triglycerides will come down when I test next time!   :)  

Happy Monday

Monday's are usually the worse day of the week,  for a lot of  people Monday is the beginning of the work week, and after a weekend of fun, nobody wants to go back to work. However, we need to start thinking of Monday's as the beginning of the countdown to the weekend, with out Monday we cant have Friday or Saturday or Sunday. So with that being said, CHEERS TO MONDAY!!!!

I had a great weekend, I had 1/2 of a vacation day on Friday and did a lot of cleaning and organizing. I  spent Saturday doing all kinds of fun things-  I got some work done on my bracelet (I'll post pictures tomorrow), I got a bunch of coupons clipped, I worked in the yard, got tons of items dropped off at the consignment stores and I even had time to hang out with Lu Lu, my baby girl isn't feeling great, she injured or has something going on with her back/hip area.
There is no denying that Saturday was a great day, I even stayed up late and watched my new favorite series " Playing House"  Sunday was even better than Saturday, I went grocery shopping and saved about 67.00 and Will and I went to a work function of mine, it was a Cleveland Browns Steak Fry.
It was good! then we went to the Hard Rock Casino and spent some money, I should say, we lost some money... But we had fun. The night ended early for me, as I hit the hay around 8:30 and fell fast asleep very quickly. I did get up and take a walk in the neighborhood around 5:30 am this morning, so going to bed early did pay off.  I joined DietBet a while ago, all I had to do was lose about 6 lbs in 4 weeks and I am struggling so badly, I have until next Tuesday to lose it and I am going to do it, or at least I am going to try real hard to do it... Wish me luck!

The one thing I haven't done yet, is really dive into the closets, I think I am just feeling a little overwhelmed and I keep making excuses to not do it. I think I find something to clean or an errand to run so I don't have to do it. Which is odd, cause I want to do it. I just don't want to fail at it, I want it to be successful and I am afraid. I am going to put my fears aside and start to find stuff to work on, crafts, projects, etc. and I am going to start tonight.

So real quick before I say bye for now, I have to tell you a little change I made to the "No Spending Rule," I have decide, I can spend, but I cant use a credit card and I have to only use what I have budgeted... Deprivation has never been a good idea....

OK so bye for now, see you all tomorrow -with pictures of projects! Yaaaaaa!!!!

slacker slacker

I have been slacking a lot lately, I haven't blogged, I haven't crafted, created, or lived off the closet. I haven't had much time to be honest, plus I have sorta lost my driving force.  I am not sure why. I did want to check in real quick and let you know I am still here, just not doing much. Next week will be better..  :)  

Weekend on its way! Yeahhhh

I am so glad today is Friday, this week has been very long and exhausting, mainly emotionally exhausting, some what physically exhausting, regardless I am ready for the weekend.

 I don't have a lot of plans for the weekend, I am going to do a walk for the Alzheimer s Association on Sunday Morning and I am going to get my nails done (it was an old groupon I had) on Saturday and of course my weekly cleaning and errand running but that s about it. I really want to get started on some more craft items as gifts but we will see. I never seem to have enough time in the week to do all the things I want to do.  

On a more positive note, I am doing great on my eating healthy and getting out and walking plan, I am down 6 lbs total and I am feeling pretty darn good. I had dinner with an old friend this week and she was telling me about seeing an acupuncturist for infertility issues and I am thinking i may want to do that too, I would do it for my anxiety but she really sold me on the idea. Ill keep you posted on what I decide!  

One of my favorite sayings, It doesn't relate to the weekend of crafting or saving or being healthy, but thought what the heck.  

Old Beggings

I have always wanted to write a book. I would fantasize about how easy and  exciting it would be,  to be able to write out all my thoughts a...