Happiness Project

Life can be tough sometimes, that goes with out saying, its up to each of us to make sure that we are doing everything we can to make our days fun, to make sure we learn something new each day, that we forgive our enemies, that we go to bed with smiles and happy thoughts. 

There are so many ways to make our days and our lives feel worthwhile. We don't need to be millionaires or beauty queens, we just need to take the time to find the little things that matter.

We need to figure out our stressors and avoid them, learn to alleviate them from our days. Live a simpler more meaningful life... occasionally those things are easier said than done, but I believe if you take it a day at a time, a step at a time, maybe even a thought at a time, its achievable and definitely a life saver. 

Here is the list of things that I am going to start doing today in order to make my days easier, happier and less stressful. I am going to start out with 3 things, if next week I feel like I cant handle 3 new items, I will only add one new thing to focus on, if I am feeling super confident maybe I will come up with 5 things. We will see, the great part of owning your life and your happiness is there are no hard set rules. Your game of life, your rules. I am only here to inspire and motivate, hopefully!  

1 - Never tell a lie. Regardless of how "silly" the subject is, I will always be honest.
The problem about telling lies or fibs is that eventually they will consume you, they will get the best of your spirit, they ruin relationships and the lie will eventually own you.
When I first started dating my fiance, I would fib about how much I worked out or what i had for dinner, I wanted to appear to be more "put together" on the health front, but eventually he caught on AND he realized I was lying, that could have been a deal breaker for us. Thank Goodness, he understood and never held the fact that I lied to him against me.

2 - Use what I have.  I love to shop! I wish I didn't, I wish I was one of those people who loved to save money,  I wish I was super simple and wasn't inspired by commercials for beauty products, or could walk thru a department store and not look at each mannequin and think Ohh I love that outfit. I am not that person, I have tried to be, I always fail when I say I am not going to shop anymore... but I also am burdened by the amount of stuff that I have. I have to find a place to store it all, I am breaking my very small bank but purchasing items I don't need and I am living with feelings of buyers remorse, which in my case is a happiness zapper. So instead of saying "I am never shopping again" I am saying " I am going to use what I have"  and if I see something I absolutely want, I will buy it, but I will use a lot of the things I have already purchased first.... Now.... in a few weeks, months, I do want to try to " stop shopping SO MUCH" so be prepared for that post eventually  :) 

3 - Smile and be kind - I hate when I go somewhere and need to interact with a retail clerk or a receptionist and they are rude, they don't smile, they are't pleasant. Their bad mood spills into my mood. I usually find myself leaving with a little grumpy. I feel the need to always respond to these type of people with the same nasty demeanor. I don't like dealing with people who are grumpy, so why would anybody want to deal with me if I am the same way. I decided, I don't want to be one of the grumpy ones, so even if I am having a bad day, I will smile and treat everyone I interact with kindness.

Ok so those are my three items, and now you need to come up with your items. It doesn't have to be 3, it can be 1 or it can be 10, its completely up to you !  
The goal is to make you feel good; about who you are, and about your life, its about making life fun and not full of stress !


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