Digging around the closet

Since losing Lu, my days feel long and I am never really sure what I should do with myself or my time which is really weird because she never really took up much of my time, maybe it is all in my head, I am not sure but I kind of feel lost, unsure of what I should be doing with my time, this would be great if I had a whole bunch of motivation, but I really don't feel like doing much, which is a really bad combination. I promised myself this week I would do some digging in the closets and find some hidden treasures that I forgot all about and really start posting about something other than starting over again and again and again. I feel like a semi-failure due to the fact all I ever say is " well as long as you aren't giving up..... you haven't failed" which I truly believe, but after the 6-7th time of saying it, it kind of feels not so sincere and possibly even like an excuse.
2017 is going to be my year, even with such a rough start, I refuse to give in and give up so later this week, I will have either pictures or videos or maybe even both. I am excited and I am ready for a transformation.

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