A brand New Me!

Here we go again.

Its a new year and a new start and I am ready. Mentally and Emotionally I believe I am ready.

I am going to be getting rid of a lot of stuff, I have already started, my goal is to live a simple life, to change my thoughts on things and to minimize the clutter in my life.

I am going to try to stop and process feelings before making purchases, I am going to try to save money and life a way of life that is full based on experiences and adventures rather then cheaply bought items that overwhelm me. The problem with being a "buyer" is you buy anything, just to buy, whether you need it or not. I will buy snacks even if I am not hungry, just to buy, I enjoy purchasing, it makes me happy, but that will change. I am focusing on true happiness. I think that I will learn that I don't need these things, that they are making me stressed out as well as overweight. I believe its safe to say this problem of mine ties into me being overweight.

I am not sure what all I will document on my blog, I felt as though I was not making good progress the last several times I attempted to, and I am not sure why.. It could have been because I wasn't serious, or I was going about it the wrong way. Maybe my information wasn't solid or  maybe I was focusing on the wrong stuff. I may just share my struggles and my joys and possible share some items with you that I discover as I get down and dirty and get rid of the crap.

Anyway, I am hoping I am back for good, I am hoping to report to you that I am a new person living  clutter free, thinner and with more money in my pocket. We will see, but I am feeling good about it. 

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